Quilckly read through the first two sections, and was happy to see that someone with a law degree finally states that pattern designers DO NOT have the authority via copyright to restrict what someone does with something they have made from a purchased pattern. I contend that while a pattern may be copyrighted, the fact that it is a pattern, there is implied use of said pattern in the sale of that pattern. If I make something, no matter what method or process I follow, I should be able to do what I wish with the item I created. A copyright holder does not get to control something I have created, even if I followed their pattern.
If a pattern designer wanted to have control of the item being made from the pattern, then they should be in the manufacturing business, and create the item to sell, not patterns.OR they should license the pattern to one or a few manufactures, so that they can better control how their item is created. But once they start selling their pattern to the general public, they lose CONTROL over what can happen to the ITEM that is created.