Thanks for all the good wishes. It has been a good one this year. On sat. Dh & I went to see Les Mis at the cinema (offloaded Little Miss with a friend of her's), thouroughly enjoyed it - as much as you can considering the story
totally lives up to it's title
, I first saw it 20+ years ago at the theatre when I I living in London, and love the music.
Yesterday, I got a bit of a lie-in (Little Miss can take herself to school now
well it is literally just over the road) and having cleared my sewing table, I got Too Loud Man/Dog Rose 1 out and got on with quilting it - it was only started in 2008
(preTQS), I guess I've been a bit side-tracked since I joined
Pressys include another year's subscription to Threads from DH
a bracelet from Little Miss - bought with her own pocket money (instead of Daddies
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A book from my Mum & Dad, this version is from before they started cleaning the stories up too much
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I also had a bunch of blocks from a block exchange I am taking part in over on Threadbias - I got to be Queen bee for Feb and asked for blue butterflies{!-- ia0 -->CIMG7419.JPG{!-- ia0 -->