Before you tell me I'm crazy! - This is a beautiful rug! Intriging. And I want to figure it out! ha
This pattern on this web site is in Russian (I think) and Google translated it (kind of) but it is still quite confusing and I WANT TO MAKE THIS!
If you speak or read any of the slavic languages, I think you might be helpful. Can you help?
The words most difficult are
provyazyvaya, and neprovyazyvaya and provyazyvayut
Here's the web site:
Here's the Google translation:
beautiful rug
(250x251, 11Kb) You can start with any item, but we'll start with one of the triangle.
The more we shall find the loop, the greater will be our carpet.
This brightly colored rug side hinge element 60, is our starting number.
So, we collect 60 loops
1st row - provyazyvayut 59 loops and 60th last loop leaving the spoke not provyazyvaya,
2nd row - we spoke on the 60th first-line loop, remove the 59th loop and knit remaining 58.
3rd row - knit 57 sts, 58th neprovyazyvaya leave (we have 3 loops "in balance")
Row 4 - the spoke has 3 loops should be removed, the remaining provyazyvayut
Thus, through a series we were binding on one loop less and we get a triangle on the diagonal of the triangle - neprovyazannye loop. There should be 60.
1st row - provyazyvayut these unclosed loops and add 60 at the end of one loop
2nd row - knit 60 sts, last provyazyvaya not leave,
3rd row - knit a row, at the end we add a loop.
When we typed 30 unclosed loops, on the other side, where we added, we start to diminish by closing one loop (close, otherwise there then formed holes). That is, we have to turn down both sides (one side close, on the other - not) while we will not have one loop.
Next we provyazyvayut 60 open loops on the side where we ONLY unbroken. Knit like the first triangle, subtracting loops on the side where we were 30 closed loops.