When German microbiologist and fashion designer Anke Domaske witnessed firsthand her stepfather’s struggles with skin irritation as he underwent cancer treatments, she was inspired. She experimented for two years, and finally came up with QMilch, a fiber made almost entirely from milk protein. For her invention Domaske was recently given the innovation award from Germany’s Textile Research Association.
Milk fibers have been around for almost a century, but what makes QMilch different is that it is made without any chemicals. Combine this lack of industrial additives with a fiber that’s soft and smooth as silk, and the resulting fabric is perfect for those with sensitive skin. QMilch starts out as certified organic milk that does not meet Germany’s strict standards for human consumption. The milk is then reduced to a powdered protein which is boiled and pressed into strands that are spun and woven.
from Weaving Today, Feb. 22, 2012