I agree w/ Judy from Ohio. Jeff Gutcheon did design the card trick block back in the 70's. He and Beth (who also wrote The Perfect patchwork Primer, and is now a distinguished and successful fiction writer) were WAY ahead of their time. Their Quilt Design Workbook was by far the most innovative and influential book on contemporary quilting. Things like chain piecing, and new designs such as card trick and many other features were considered great leaps of quilting in a day where all you could find were ditsy calicos. The book still holds up today. Get a hold of a copy (library, ebay, quilt guild library) and you will be quite amazed. They also feature the work of other celebrity quilters of the 70's such as Molly Upton. And as you can probably tell, a great influence on me, and probably why I am a quilter today.