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TOPIC: An age for quilting????

22 Apr 2007 20:35 #3815

I'm 51, and my daughter is 22, and she quilts more than I do now!! So it's a hobby for all ages. Your friend just does not appreciate your art form, too bad for her. Enjoy and keep looking for those quilt stores!
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Age 22 Apr 2007 13:18 #3806

My Mom will be 87 in August. She lives in a Senior apartment building in Corpus Christi, TX. She's still doing water aerobics 3 times a week, and works out on the weight machines at the gym there about 3 times a week. The other residents see her zipping around the building with her Helios oxygen container on her belt, and want to know what octane she's got in that little tank :lol: . She also still makes her own bathing suits, since the suits nowadays don't cover areas she prefers to have covered--she hates the bottoms being cut so that they come up really high on the hips, and the backs going down too low. When she moved down here a year ago, her sewing machine got broken, so we found her a little Janome Gem Gold. It's light enough that she can move it around easily herself, and has the right stitches for sewing her bathing suits, too. She's also been doing a bit of mending and hemming for the other folks in the building--she tells them no, she doesn't take money, but they can send a check to the Humane Society. She's never quilted, though.

I did find out that my paternal grandmother did make quilts. Only one has survived to the present day--it belongs to one of my cousins in California. I've asked my aunt to see if he might be willing to send me a photograph of the quilt. She said the other quilts all got worn out, as they were used on the beds when she was a kid.

Pat in Rockport, TX
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22 Apr 2007 08:57 #3799

Age is just a number. Why worry about how old or how young.
If you enjoy your craft, then why care?
Let me say this: when you reach a certain age of what I is called the 'third age' of life...all expectations of what you can and should do go out the window. I always use my my 91 year old mother in law...yes 91. She still lives independently (OK in a senior complex but has her own apt). Plays bridge 3 times a week, swims...yes swims 3 times a week. She also handles her own money and investments. She loves to discuss politics and has an interesting perspective on life and events. Also she is never HOME...always on the go.
So if you are young or more senior...if you enjoy the craft just simply say 'you should try it'.
Life is too short to junk up your creative mind with something so silly as a number.

FW (who is trying to track down her Mother In Law)
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22 Apr 2007 06:21 #3797

I started quilting in my late 30's. My family all think I'm nuts :lol:

<a href="http://www.wanderingquilter.com">The Wandering Quilter's Life in a Box!</a>
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21 Apr 2007 19:45 #3789

I'm 47, my daughter is 23 and in law school, and she just started quilting last year. She said she felt like her "creativity" was being stifled with all the book work, and she needed a creative outlet. I'm so happy she chose to try quilting.
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21 Apr 2007 09:33 #3782

When I was younger I wouldn't touch a sewing machine, it wasn't an age factor it was a "girl" thing. I'm a tomboy, still love to wear my boots.

But, now, I love quilting...love piecing by hand, I'm 50 now...been hand piecing for about 10 years.

However, my neice, who is 10, must be older than dirt, and younger than rock by heart, because she's been quilting her little heart out. :D

And she does a great job of it too.
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19 Apr 2007 08:56 #3730

I think it is so wonderful that quilting has become such a popular, universal and ageless art form! What a marvelous way for people to connect, to learn new talents and share them, to express themselves and find satisfaction and joy! I've met some of the dearest people through this activity. Quilting is my passion, as it is for so many. It has nothing to do with age, and the more people can see the fruits of our labors, the sooner they will realize we are "ROCKIN" and not in chairs! Go Quilters!
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16 Apr 2007 13:45 #3612

I am in my mid 50's and have been quilting off and on for about 20 years. Intensively for the last 6. One of my best quilting friends is my son's girlfriend, who just turned 21. I am so jealous of her as her Grandma started teaching her to quilt when she was about 6 years old. So we quilters come in all shapes, sizes and colors - just like our quilts.
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16 Apr 2007 10:50 #3608

When someone makes a dig at my quilting passion, I just say I'm happier quilting then you are not quilting. I don't exactly know what that implies but it sure keeps the (goober's) mouth closed. :wink:
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Why does age matter? 16 Apr 2007 08:57 #3603

  • RobinQuilts
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Why does age matter if you've found something you love to do?
I am 57 and only discovered quilting about 3 years ago. I wish I had started quilting years ago. When I think of how much pleasure it has brought me these past few years, I regret not having had the opportunity to start sooner.

By the way, our guild is having its biennial quilt show the first weekend of May and we have a youth exhibit of over 40 quilts made mostly by 10-13 year old kids... AND several other kids, both boys and girls, have submitted their quilts to be judged! (This in includes one 9-year-old girl.)

Also, look what has happened to the hobby of knitting! Didn't that use to be just for little old ladies? Now everyone knits and it's a hot thing to do. Tell your friend to get a life. Or, better yet, get a hobby!
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16 Apr 2007 06:59 #3601

Wonderful :D Glad to see I am no where near alone, now if I can just get the goober to read this thread some time :lol: I know for myself I have been quilting since I was 25, but I have been sewing in general since I was 8 and got a toy sewing machine for christmas. Last summer I did little bunny quilts (10"x12" ) with my daughters then ages 4 and 5, and just a couple of months ago I did another with my older girl - now 6- and she loved it. We plan to do a bigger one this summer together so the love of quilting is going on and on. As for my friend, I think she is jealous for some reason. Maybe she needs a real hobby... :roll:
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16 Apr 2007 06:47 #3600

I am 40 something and have been quilting for about 10 years...quilting is not something I do..it is who I am!
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16 Apr 2007 06:30 #3598

I'm in my fifties now but have always loved quilts. I tried when in my thirties but couldn't spare the time between kids and working. When people ask what I do since I've retired and I tell them about the quilting, there's generally silence and then...Yeah, but what do you DO? It's not taken seriously.
I still think of myself as "not old" except in restaurants where they hand me the senior menus now without me having to ask for them.
In our LQS, I have seen customers with small children. So I'm hoping there's another generation coming along.
BTW...it's my son that's most interested in my quilting besides by husband who's proud of himself for knowing what a fat quarter is!
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16 Apr 2007 02:27 #3595

I'll be 37 in a few weeks and get the "you're not old enough to be a quilter" line all the time! It's ridiculous! I know there are other people my age out there who do this and love it as much as I do. I'm ready to help break the stereotype. (Although, I do have lots of grey hair!)

Happy Quilting,
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