I know what you mean Judy. A couple of weeks ago I was talking to the (then) leader of my girl's girl scout troop about fundraising ideas. I suggested having them make a quilt featuring the troop number and logo and maybe hold a raffle for it at the church. (later remembered that GS are not allowed to use games of chance, grrrrr...) Anyway the leader seem put off by the idea, hemming and hawing over it and saying nobody would want to buy raffle tickets for a quilt. "Why not?" I asked her. "Well you see it's just the wrong time of year to buy quilts," was her matter of fact answer. WHAT!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: When I asked what she meant by that she said simply spring was coming, weather was getting warmer, and "nobody wants to buy a quilt in the spring when they can't get any use out of it till winter. "
I tried to explain that I was talking about a wall hanging art quilt, not a bed quilt but she seemed totally baffled "Who would want a quilt you can't use?"
The very thought that a quilt could be a peice of art that you hung on a wall and not just something you wrapped up in to keep warm seemed a bit beyond her lol.
Well, that leader quit two weeks ago, and as the only one who has even had a rudimentary leadership training (3 years ago one session) it is falling to me to take over the troop - I think I might make quilters of them yet... I'm thinking tye quilts for Project Linus as a communitee service project at some point...