cbear wrote:
I had an issue trying to register my new GPS as the computer would not recognize it. It turns out that one of the recent updates from Microsoft updated Internet Explorer to version 9 and it has compatibility issues sometimes. If yours has been updated to IE9 open your browser, click on Tools, and then on Compatibility View. If you don't get 'Compatibility View in the list under Tools, press the ALT button on your keyboard and that will expose a tool bar at the top of your screen with Tools. Click on THAT Tools and it should show Compatibity View. Now, when I did that and went back to try to download an update, I had to open Tools again, right from where I was, and click Compatibility again. Don't ask me why, all I know is after a day and a half I finally got it to work. I hope this works for you!
Thanks Cindy, but I'm using Google Chrome so I don't think an Internet Explorer update would have anything to do with my issue. Apparently reinstalling the software has justified most of it, but I still think there is something else going on with the camera. I was able to take some pictures last night and transfer them with the USP cord, so I'll just work around the other stuff.
Thanks again everyone for the sympathy!