November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada and, like England, we observe 2 minutes of silence but at exactly 11 a.m. There are Remembrance Day services in almost every town and city to honor those who have served and died in our military. I am grateful for all who serve our country.
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Re: November 11 - Not quilting related
12 Nov 2010 17:10 #51243
Its' called 'Armistice Day' here in England, and is honoured with a 2 minute silence at 11 minutes after 11am. And there are ceremonies at War Memorials.
From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood
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Re: November 11 - Not quilting related
12 Nov 2010 07:36 #51235
This morning I was driving to an appointment when I encountered a street closure. I found an alternate route; then again I encountered heavy traffic, a lack of parking…and many children standing around the sidewalks. I wondered if the elementary school had been evacuated until I saw someone waving a flag. I had forgotten about the parade. Happy Veterans' Day!
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