When our old cat, Patches, died (she's my picture here) we adopted a new (to us) kitty. I always try to be careful about having threads and pins out of a cat's way to avoid temptation. But Isabella Squeaks ("Izzy") just can't help it -- when she walks by my machine, she tries to grab the thread on the machine and chew it.

I've run her off, but I'm afraid she'll be successful some time when I'm not there. Other than closing her out of the sewing room when I leave (she naps in her basket in front of the window in there), does anyone have any suggestions for covering the thread area while it's in use? When I go out of the room, I try to remember to put a plastic bag over the thread stand, and I push the pincushion under there too. But I don't always remember because I'm in and out of there all day. Our son's cat ate some string and he had to have it all removed from her intestines, and had to pay hundreds $$ for the surgery.