Gbquilter, I have to agree with you on some of the points you made. I too, believe how much some one chooses to spend on quilting is very personal. I also commend you with how you challenge yourself with making wonderful quilts with “found objects”. My quilting hat is off to you.
I also like to add a few of my two cents on the subject as well. I was a little interested when I saw the title of this thread. Then I was a little taken back by the opening comment. All I have to say is so what if someone chooses to us a dull rotary blade instead of buy anew one? So what if CheapO chooses to by $1 spools of thread? Is that really affecting you? If they are part of a club you are in, and then sit across the room form them so you don’t have to hear about it. If CheapO wants to borrow your thread, kindly say no because you will need every last inch for your project. I would feel honored if some wanted me to teach them something I knew, so they didn’t have to take a class.
So what if the person can look at a picture or a quilt and make a pattern of it. I say hats off to her/him, drafting patterns are hard. Let me say this before the copy write police start scolding me. They way I look at is, as long as a person isn’t trying to make money, get the pattern published, or enter the quilt in a show to win a prize. Then so what? No two quilts will ever be made the same or look the same. Also, maybe you should try to get the person to use their talent to draft a pattern for the guild, and then you and the guild members can pay her for the pattern? Encourage them to use their talent and maybe profit off of it. You know support women in business; I believe some stated that is what they like to do.
I am by no means cheap; however I do look for ways to save money. Quilting can be a rather expensive hobby, I say hobby because that is what it is for me. I have slowly over time up graded the quality of thread, fabric, sewing machine, and tools I use. But I have done so for my own preference, not because I am trying to impress someone. I will shop on Ebay and try to get good deals on certain things. I like to buy rulers and books second hand. It is better than those things ending up in landfills.
Matter of fact I got my sewing machine off of Ebay, a Viking. I bought if from a dealer that sells on ebay and yes before someone can ask. I did look the dealer up on the Viking website to confirm they were indeed a reputable dealer. It was about $400 less then at my local Viking dealer and it came with a warranty. If I can find something somewhere else cheaper I will. I buy a lot of my books on or find them second had. I do have a huge library of new and used quilting books. I am mostly self taught, so in the beginning I bought book after book learning how to quilt.
Now before someone cries foul because I am not supporting my LQS. Let me say this. First the closest quilt store is here in town (they are not the Viking dealer I mentioned above). I don’t really like going there, because I get this snooty holier than thou feeling. First off, the minute I walking in someone is following me up and down the aisles, even after I kindly tell them I don’t need any help or I am just looking. That still doesn’t stop them from following me; like I am going steal something or I am too ignorant to know what it is I am looking for. It really affects my inspiration. Yeah I might be a young and only have a year or so under my belt of quilting; but I still know what it is I want. If not I will tell you.
Also, what gets me is that I have been in there numerous times and have spent quite a bit of money on fabric and such. They still do not know my name. I have travel 30 minutes to a store that is a Viking dealer, had only been there on two separate occasions before they remembered my name. Matter of fact they even remember why I was in there the first time and asked how my project was coming along. I wish they were closer, but they are not. So to save time, I will buy online and have stuff shipped to me.
One finally thought on the CheapO quilter. Could the CheapO quilter just be the type who just acting out to get attention? I mean my step grandmother loves to go on and on about how expensive everything is. She is really frugal and does some crazy stuff to save a buck. However, she isn’t a poor little old lady at all. My Mom told me she likes to go on and on about how she has no money and about the extremes she goes to save a buck for attention. She is lonely and just needs people to fuss over her, no harm in that. That is why my Mom has all the patience in the world for her. Maybe CheapO just needs a little fussing done over her to make her feel better about life. Just something to think about……