KTDesigns wrote:
if you ever list anything there you may also get some spamers/scamers - I've gotten 3 such emails already.
Most internet providers allow you to set up multiple e-mail addresses. I use one of the alternate addresses whenever, I'm required to provide an address that might be open to spammers. Then, I can either set up a message rule to automatically delete and not download messages addressed to the alternate addresses, or automatically mark them as SPAM.
When I first signed up to TQS, I established a special e-mail account to be used exclusively for TQS. I can direct mail addressed to this e-mail account to a separate mail folder. Shortly after establishing this account, I started receiving Nigerian scams and Austrailian Lottery scams. I was able to quickly identify these as JUNK and set up rules to automatically delete these from the server, preventing them from downloading.