(Insert Husband Opinion Here)
Legalese Method: Contact a lawyer and have a search done from which you will generally protect yourself should that author appear later to haunt you. You would then have legal proof that 'due diligence' was done in searching for permission to utilize the work.
Fuzzy Feelings, We're All Friends Here - As long as what you produce does not benefit you in any substantial way, you're good with playing with the designs from that book.
Inspiration from another work of art doesn't beholden you to that artist technically. As long as you acknowledge that artist (the author if the picture isn't accredited) you are doing your part in promoting that artist's work.
As to tips on finding the author...since the book seems based in Saudi Arabia, contacting the Saudi Arabian Embassy for information about a contact in the Cultural office might be the way to go.
My experiences with Embassies have been very good, they are more than happy to help educate and promote their countries!
(Husband Rant off)
Jean's husband in Windsor, ON