ERich wrote:
I was watching a Sharon Schaumber free video and she mentioned a genie magic bobbin washer and a halo and I was wondering if anyone had tried either one of her products? Thanks, Elizabeth(who is getting in over her :shock:
hi elizabeth, I have tried both products..
first, I can't say I've noticed anything different with the bobbin washers. I started using superior's bottomline thread at the same time, but everything seems to be going smoothly, I do alot of machine quilting.
second, the halo...I really like it. It takes a little getting used to, at first I kept bumping into it with my free-motion foot. for me, it's like a couple extra fingers on each hand. I don't consider myself a "tense" quilter, but I see a definite improvement in my work and much less fatigue.
I'm not so much a gadjet junkie anymore, but I think ms schaumber is awesome and try most of her recomendations..