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TOPIC: I can not find anything!!!

21 Apr 2008 12:48 #17212

I gave up on reading regular books shortly after my accident. I kept forgeting what book I was reading and what chapter I was on. So aside from my kids school chapter books it was pointless. I only noticed this though when my son's librarian refused to allow him to take the Godzilla book home for the 11th time that year and called to tell me why. All I could say to her was: I thought we already read that once. Her reply I had read it over 15 times that year. That is when Jeremy took over night time reading. For 10 years old he can be sneaky. By the way my neice also did my cook books. She says I have a lot of books. By the way she wants to be a teacher.
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21 Apr 2008 06:58 #17184

ABC order books... my house would drive your niece and Ann nuts :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously, my books are sort of organized. My quilt books and mags are on shelves right behind my sewing machine, but in no particular order and peppered in there are also my dh's scroll saw, wood working, model train, and music books. I have a shelf of reference books in the workroom, and a whole shelving unit of paperback fiction, religious, and self help books in the upstairs hallway. The only OC thing I do when it comes to books really is my "reading queue." This is two shelves next to my bed filled with books I really want to read all layed out in the order I wish to read them. I grab the book from the top left hand shelf, read it, then put it back in the hallway and grab another that I put in the lower right shelf and keep cycling through. I know, kooky, but it works for me because I can see what is coming and that motivates me to finish what I am reading faster.
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putting books in order 21 Apr 2008 01:42 #17171

Rachel if your niece isn't a budding quilter she is probably a budding librarian. Only librarians have the need to have your books in alphabetical order and other things too - like my spices - they have to be in order or I can't cook because I can't find the necessary things. Ask me how I know this is a librarian trait - well guess what my teaching minor was in college. (But honestly my books especially my fiction collection and my spices are the only two really organized parts of my life so I didn't learn my lessons very well)

Ann (entry #2 for today but now its bedtime and a full day tomorrow so will have to wait to fulfill my goal until evening and by then maybe there will be so many entries I can shut up -lol -everybody did good on Sun. )
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20 Apr 2008 22:34 #17161

"ABC order".......How sweet!
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My Quilting Space 20 Apr 2008 17:29 #17145

Rachel, you just have to remember that they thought they were helping. Keep telling yourself that!!! What a special little 9 yo. I know she was so proud of herself!!

Sharon in TN
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20 Apr 2008 16:23 #17138

Every now and then my family will decide to go and help out one of the other family members. Usually though we know what not to touch. My sister's ceramics, Mom's desk! (BIG NO!),ect... I still can't get over my quilt room. I have been very good about keeping my mouth shut though. Just to throw this in though my 9 year old neice is very proud that she put my quilt books in ABC order :P . Now how can you not love that? She is too cute for words.
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My Quilting Space 20 Apr 2008 16:07 #17136

Rachel, you have my condolences!! At least now you can have fun messing it up again!! I don't have anybody to clean for me, so I have to muddle along, a little at a time.

I'd love for someone to clean everything but the sewing/computer room. It wouldn't make any difference if someone else put things away or if I did - I still couldn't find stuff when I need it!!

Sharon in TN
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08 Apr 2008 22:50 #16993

  • Judymc
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Rachel, my deepest sympathies!!! :shock: It's hard enough when WE put stuff away and can't remember WHERE it is! I know they all meant well, though.
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08 Apr 2008 19:57 #16988

:shock: Oh Rachel!! :shock: I feel for you!!

yeah, my house could certainly use some deep cleaning (and I have no good excuse like you do, I just hate to clean :oops: ) but OMG if anyone "cleaned" my sewing space I'd want to kill!! George took it upon himself one day last summer to "organize"-- only he put everything where HE could find it, not where I could-- but, being 9 & ADHD, he didn't exactly finish the job so it was recoverable!
But now we also have the opportunity to see that your mom is human, not only the foster-mom-scrapbooking saint you told us about the other day! I know they meant well, BUT...
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I can not find anything!!! 08 Apr 2008 19:02 #16987

My quilting space is not that big. In fact it is rather cramped. Ok extremely craamped. I was in the middle of a my sons' quilt and had to leave for another Dr. appointment. I snould have known something was up. Both my mom and my sister called to see how long I would be gone and when I was leaving. While I was gone they hit my house hard. they cleaned :shock: . My kitchen, bathroom, kids bedroom, and quilt room. UGH!!! My house is clean. I just can't do the heavy duty cleaning. They emptied off my sewing machine, and the table. They put everything in it's spot. Big mistake!!! That quilt pattern had to be sewn just so. Lots of little peices and strange angles. I was going so slow so that I wouldn't screw it up. Yeah the room looks nice. All the fabric is neatly put away in drawers according to color. :roll: Yep they even separated the colors on the quilt I was working on. They were a big help. I love them though. I just want to cry Rachel
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