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TOPIC: Oh that is not a quilt it isn't big enough

04 Apr 2008 20:49 #16781

One woman's quilt is another woman's wall hanging! (taken from the saying about men - one woman's trash is another woman's treasure!!)

Hope you're having a great time in Missouri, Ann (I used to travel to MO on business and I just love it there; my best friend is from MO - she can always bring me back down to earth) - those quilt blocks (oops, maybe they were too small to be "quilt" blocks!) for Ricky's B-Day were terrific)
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03 Apr 2008 23:49 #16693

Rachel, You are too funny, Ann is in my town visiting her friends and I'm so excited about seeing her. She is joining me and my friends to quilt on Saturday for the day. I don't think we have anything to worry about Ms Ann going traditional on us. That'll never happen. I know she loves traditional quilts, but I think she has stepped over to the "other side". :D :D :D

Dana in Olive Branch, MS
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03 Apr 2008 20:12 #16681

Anne Thank God for Odd Balls like you. You must come from a line of bakers like me. I was always number 13 at the table too. And everyone knows a bakers dozen has more to offer then a simple dozen. Shoot why do you think the nine patch is the most popular block in quilting. Need I say more? I think not. Now don't you go getting too traditional over this summer. By the way I don't think you are off your bubble... I think you are the bubbles that make my root beer a float. Love ya just the way you are Rachel :wink:
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03 Apr 2008 18:19 #16667

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Anne, always be an 'odd ball'. You'll be remembered when other people are forgotten, and you'll never be boring!

From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood
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03 Apr 2008 07:13 #16628

"my quilt, my rules"
:lol: :lol:
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03 Apr 2008 01:23 #16617

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Ann, just keep smiling--there will always be THOSE TYPES of people in the world. But, remember, WE are out here cheering for YOU!!! Happy camping!!! :D
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02 Apr 2008 23:31 #16609


That was really cute,"SWEET"!!! :lol:
I'm also a happy camper but we travel like Chevy Chase,always a great advanture!
Hey there Ann I'll trade even for Campers! LOL!
You guys have a "super nice camper". DH and I would Love to be able to travel like you and your DH. It is a dream were still sleeping on, Maybe some day!

Hugzzz, Kathy
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good comeback 02 Apr 2008 22:25 #16605

Thanks Lorchen everyone of those comments are wonderful. I am going to print them out and put them on my idea wall so I can review them every time I go to our park quilt group.

I know I am the "odd ball" in our quilt group but am making two quilts this summer with a more traditional feel to them still no pieces blocks but at least there are SQUARES and they will be set on point. Oh my I may lose my rogue reputation. but probably by summer's end I will have done some kind of project that will renew my rogue odd ball and outcast reputation. I just try to remember that half of the world is below average and the other half above and I refuse to be on the bubble so I am either above or below depending on your point of view. (I believe I am above but that is my not so Humble opiniion)

Ann currently in Olive Branch MS
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02 Apr 2008 17:59 #16577

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"Are you saying that size matters?"

"Oh, are you saying you always need yours big?"

"I decide if it's a quilt, My Dear!"

"My man and I snuggle up close so we don't need a kingsize quilt"

"As long as it covers my bum on a cold night I'm a happy camper!"

"Oh, I must have missed it. Is there an official quilt size standard?"

And finally (but not recommended): "Get lost!"

From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood
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31 Mar 2008 22:24 #16461

Oppps, think I have made a lot of "non-quilts" trough out the years :lol: :? :shock: And most of my quilting magazines has "non-quilts" in them too :P
I would like to know what size "quilt" makes it a quilt so I dont make the same mistake in the future :lol: :oops:
I think she just let her mouth run without thinking what she was saying!!!!
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31 Mar 2008 17:06 #16448

Very good, Betty Ann. My first thought was that I wouldn't say anything at all; because if I opened my mouth, what came out might not be very nice :-) But I think your reply was perfect.
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31 Mar 2008 16:46 #16444

  • cjbeg
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Beautifully said Betty Ann.
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31 Mar 2008 15:51 #16439

Tell your traditional quilting friend that by defination, a" quilt" is three layers, top, batting and backing. Tell her that her quilts may be used to warm the body but yours are meant to warm the soul. Stay sweet and smile but do not let your views on the subject go unsaid. There is room for all of us in this great big worderful world of quilting. Betty Ann in perfect weather in Florida.
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31 Mar 2008 07:09 #16391

First is she posted on this site? ??? Now the next time she looks at you and makes such an obvious oversight in beauty and judgement. After all who declared her the QUILT POLICE. Just thank her for her oppinion. Tell her that it is absolutely amazing that after so many years past her childhood she can be so creative and still stay inside the lines. Where you have always found that for your style of creativity there was always more room outside the lines. Neither way is wrong mind you but you have always found your way much more fun, her way is way too cramped. Let's see if that doesn't help broaden her insight. Who knows maybe she will learn to color outside the lines. :D
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