jbtaz36 wrote:
Judy in Torrance, I guess we both should be arrested for neglect. My FW must have sat in an attic or basement for years and years as it had an awful musty odor. I finally had to throw away the wooden box after trying to get rid of the smell even following everyone's directions. I tried for over a year. But, you know, maybe my nose has gotten overly sensitive to scents as I grow older. I can't stand to walk through a department store in the perfume aisle or the laundry section of the grocery store. My DH has stopped wearing aftershave and I no longer wear perfume. Is this just me or has this happened to anyone else? Judy in AZ
ME, TOO, JUDY!!! Must be part of the OFS!!! "Old farts syndrome", LOL!!! I don't mean to offend anyone, but it's so true!!!