KKreations, I have the Designer SE with embroidery unit and in January I purchased (OUCH!) the Fabric Mover. I'm just now beginning to get the hang of it, but in all honesty, it's been in the box for a long while until recently (hubby doesn't know I bought it!) I really can't say I can justify the expense, yet, but I did get brave enough to use the Fabric Mover on a lap size quilt last week. It came out okay for a first effort...it's definitely "free motion"!

It's fun to use on small projects...wall hanging, purses, etc. but I don't know about a full size quilt. It's a bit difficult to maneuver...there's a learning curve...practice, practice, practice. Of course, now I understand that Viking is coming out with what they call a Fab-u-motion that will probably make my brand new Fabric Mover obsolete!
ETA...hang in there with your Viking, as far as the sewing machine goes. Have you taken classes to learn the basics about your Designer? I learn something new every time I attend a class at my LQS, and I've had my SE since last July!