Clara, I was also distressed to see that email this morning from Ami, but I certainly can understand how much work it has been for her and her desire to get back to actually quilting. I have 6 quilts in progress (that I had hoped to have done before the end of 2012, but life got in the way)—two are ready except for binding and label; one just needs about a half-hour more of quilting, then binding and label; one is more than half quilted; one is ready for quilting; and one just needs a bit more applique before quilting. I plan to do the binding on all of them at the same time, then ship them together. So I'm close, and I hope to register those by the end of the month. Then I have a few other things in line, but after mid-April, I can start on some more to meet Ami's August 1st deadline.