Thank you, BJ! About Crayola, I could not use it on this quilt because my stencil was a green FullLine Stencil by Hancy whose concept is not unlike what you do with silkscreen, so you cannot mark on the stencil, you can only rub across it with the chalk powder.
As for your silk, I was wondering if you've ever tried Saral wax-free transfer paper (the white one). You would have to trace your design onto tracing paper, pin it on the fabric and then carefully slip the Saral paper between the tracing paper and the silk, then trace the design onto the fabric with an awl or a ball point pen (perhaps one that has run out of ink

). I cannot tell you how well Saral comes off of silk for quilting and I certainly would test it out to see whether it would work. I've done it on silk for Chinese embroidery but I was never concerned about the marking coming off because it was being covered with silk thread.
If you decide to try Pounce through tracing paper that has the design sewn through without thread, you might consider going over the chalk mark with FullLine Stencil's "Ultimate Marking Pencil" so that the mark stays longer on your fabric. It comes off with an iron pressed over the fabric. Again, I know it works well on cotton, but it might be worth testing on silk. It is designed for free drawing, not for marking through a stencil of any sort (I tried it with a plastic stencil, it does not work well). That is why tracing over your Pounce chalk mark might be what you need to do. You can find these pencils at or next month at the Quilters Unlimited Quilt Show since I saw the vendor for it will be there.
Hope this helps a bit!