I remember reading about a quilt artist who made a series of mandala quilts in Quilter's Newsletter Magazine but exactly when.....escapes me. Their website might have the info. Julie
I often look for mandala coloring books on ebay and dover.com. They have beautiful designs that I also think would make great quilt designs. I looked it up and a very simple definition of mandala is any of various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe. It seems like a fellow quilter here was working on a mandala design or had completed one. I'm going to check out this site when I finish checking what's new here.
At this little website you can sign up to receive a DAILY mandala (do YOU know what it is?) and I have found a fairly good number of them would be great translated into a quilt pattern. Or at least they stimulate my imagination to THINK about quilting/peicing patterns!
Check it out and don't just look at today's - look at some of the archives! While you're at it, learn what a mandala is. I hadn't ever heard of them......let alone gotten to enjoy someone else's creativity with them!