martya wrote:
Help! I have used two different computers and two different printers and I can’t get the files to print where the 1”scale comes out 1”. I printed the speed cutting background fabrics and it came out exactly 1”. I’m thinking maybe the templates from Color My World are using the metric system of measurements and I don’t know how to convert them to the correct scale. It seems others have figured this out. What do I need to do? Obviously, if I can print one thing from the website and get it to come out correctly, then it is not my computers or printers.
There are many posts about printing problems. The Speed cutting instructions and the pattern are two completely different files. Suggestions to fix your problem, and It is on your end—try changing browsers, Google Chrome was the answer for some. For the two pattern pages, 9-10, try setting the paper to A4 size, that is how it was written in Australia.
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