Suscole53 wrote:
Mine printed at the right size referencing the 1" square.
However, it appears the small house 1 is 1/4" taller (11") than small house 2 (10 3/4"). At this point I am not going to trim the top. I am sure it will make a difference when I start on the next ring.
All of the Small Houses are the same size. Check the 1" scale again and check the seam allowance where you joined the bottom part to the top.
I hesitate to say this: Including seam allowances and measuring through the center of the house, they should measure 10.75"--or very close to it. If all of your houses are the same height, close to 10.75", they are fine. Don't agonize over measurements off by an 1/8" or less. More than that, find out where the problem is and try to fix it.