Barbara, I went to your blog after downloading Month 5. I loved your idea of substituting or designing your own blocks to
replace any blocks you don't like or getting too similar to other blocks already made in this quilt. It wasn't hard to find that I have
a treasure chest of possibilities in my quilt bookshelves. I pulled both of Elle Sienkiewicz's books The Best of Baltimore Albums and part 2. They are full
of flowers and leaves and great ideas that could be put in the "X" shaped blocks. Pick a flower, and a couple great shaped leaves, and a little design for
the center. Make the X shaped stems and you have a new block. Then I looked at patterns I have that are applique. Bonnie Sullivan, Pearl of P3 designs,
and McKenna Ryan all have elements of applique in their patterns that could be used in a simplified block using the X shape or the circle shape. Bonnie's Penny Garden part 2
that I am using in my Over and Down Under would fit right in with few changes. I have to be careful that I don't go too complex because the blocks should have
the over feel of the same simplicity of the blocks in the quilt. This is adding a whole new element of fun into the project. Thank you for the blog ideas. HelenW