Hi all y'all. I have started a new show quilt in memory of my mom using five ten inch crocheted lace squares I found in her workbasket. I am using a nice beefy polyester crepe satin and beautiful polyester dupioni. I know there are those of you who would like to tell me to use real silk, silk/cotton blend Radiance, and cotton for this, but I will be using the polyester. It is beautiful and I have already tested the quiltability of this. It is wonderful.
My problem is finding the right markers for all the details of the flowers and birds and other quilting designs especially on the off white satin. I wrote a blog post that describes the testing I have already done, and conclusion that the best marker for this is the a gel pen like Frixion, which I know comes off with heat and returns with freezing cold (like when I ship it in the winter or by air). It just marks so perfectly.
My blog on testing satin markers
What I want to know is if any of you have used Frixion pens or similar and permanently removed it so it did not return when frozen. If so, what did you use? I'm testing it now, but if iyou have any ideas I would love to have them. Alternatively do you have any other ideas on marking satins (please read my blog to see what I have already tried).
Cheers everyone