Well, I was humming along on block seven and as I started putting the sections together, I noticed that the outside edge of one of my iris pieces was cut short. The edge of the fabric was just a thread or two beyond the stitching line for the corner pieces. As I finished sewing the block together, I debated whether to repair this section or just chance it and pray that it didn’t ravel after the quilt was done. I decided to repair it. I ripped out the seam, cut a piece of iris to add to the section, sewed it and pressed the seam open and resewed the original seam. To my horror, I had put the seam allowance on the right side of the block! Yuck! I ripped it out again, and repeated the repair. As a test, I asked my husband to see if he could see where I had made the repair and he couldn’t! I’m glad I took the time to match the grain of the fabric and to make the repair.