Month 4 complete but not without some serious drama! As I had showed earlier, I am basing all my colors and designs around a stained glass window. This months design lent itself best to duplicating (artistically) the center of the window. Using the line drawings from month one, I colored in the pieces. Transferred that to the actual paper pieces and proceeded. It wasn't until they were all pieced and I layed them out that I realized the colors had reversed. (Oops, the right side of the pattern is the wrong side of the sewn piece!). I went ahead and finished the block but was not happy with it. I also really struggled with the center circle, (did I mention I am doing this ¾ size?). Although I understand why Becky chose to put the circle in the middle, in the case of this block I really wanted the center seamless. Thank you ajclapp for posting your version without the center circle!
With many more Y-seams, I redid block 4 to my satisfaction. In the words of Bob Ross “We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents.” and “Believe that you can do it cause you can do it.”