KarenMaloley wrote:
I can't tell you how helpful I find your posts. For month 3, those arrows that you included for placement of the triangles saved me. Now, in month 4, I am still having trouble with the whole geometry thing, which is why I do not like paper piecing. Is there any trick you have for the placement of the fabric so that you have the correct amount of coverage when you press it back? I am going to have some funky seam allowances on my flying geese curves.
I am not afraid of the curved piecing. I have done plenty of that, but the paper piecing is going to kill me.
This arc can be a little tricky due to the geometry--the angle of the side of the "goose" is 60 degrees BUT we've cut squares in half, 45 degree angles. I only had to fiddle with placing the very first goose and triangle--I put the raw edge of the goose about 1/4" from the line on the paper and placed the raw edge of the background on it--if I tried to guess being 1/8" away from the line, I often missed it completely. So the first seam is about 1/4". After that first line is sewn, all the rest of the edges are trimmed 1/8" from the sewing line, so that gives me the line to place the next piece. Yes, there is an odd amount of seam allowance in the curved arc but that's just the way it works.
I tell all my students: If you had known you were going to be a quilter, you would have paid more attention in Geometry class!
Hope this helps.