Each month, print the pages where you see a 1" square at 50%. Check accuracy: the square should measure 1/2" x 1/2".
In general, to get the measurements for cutting half-size, you take the finished size, divide by 2, then add 1/4" on each side. That is when the patch sizes do not have extra for handling (when appliquéing for example). Whenever there is extra, I will mention how much is accounted for. That way, if you feel you need more or less, you can change the measurements accordingly. Other times, the patch is meant for cutting biais, or appliqué shapes. The formula doesn't apply in these cases.
Also, when I provide the measurements of a patch or a block, I will try to give the height X the width (as seen when looking at the quilt). Some of the measurements in the instructions are not given that way (usually the shortest measure is first).
I do this for fun. I do not promise that the instructions will be there when the month begins. I do provide these instructions as soon as I make the blocks myself (to make sure I get it right) - so they could be made available sometimes 1 to 2 weeks after the month begins.