Each little square will be 1/2" finished. Instead of making individual nine-patch blocks, I decided to paper-piece in long strips each "blocks", considering, for example, that the right-hand side border block at the bottom would be a 9 x 3 squares (the 3 nine-patch together).
I cut graph paper to the required lenght -in this case 9 x 1/2"+ seam allowance at both end = 5"long, and for the width, I could have cut 1/2 inch, but I find this to be less stable so I added 1/8 on each side.
I cut the "squares" (which in regular piecing would have been 1" x 1") actually 1-1/4 wide x 1" long, just to make sure that I have enough on each side (more than the 1/4 inch)when I paper-piece.
I marked the graph paper on the seam line. I also numbered my strips.
I placed my squares around the center block in a "controlled ramdomness"
and placed my paper strips alternating the beginning piece - this will ensure that the seam allowance "nest".
Then I paper-pieced.
Once pieced, I make a "clean cut" to 1" wide .
I still need to sew the 3 strips together, but you can see where I'm going...