The Quilt Show presents A to Z for Ewe and Me, the latest quilt in prizewinning quilter Janet Stone's 26-quilt alphabet series. Designed exclusively for members of TQS, the 69"x 82" quilt is a playful yet sophisticated sampler. Each letter in the alphabet has its own panel, where it's combined with a related pieced or appliquéd block. Make one for the child in your life, or make one for the child in you!
Thank you both, Lynnielovescats and bhalbard! One of my very favorites out of many quilts made over the years. I kept starting other projects and putting this one to the side. I'm going to try to reform myself and finish what I'm working on first, then a new project. We'll see..........
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Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilt! You did an awesome job. I'm working on mine and having so much fun! I hope it turns out as beautiful as yours did.
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