I did the math for the basket block, but didn't make it yet - I need to chose my fabrics. But I want to share what I have so far.
The finished size must be 3" x 7". So the top of the basket is a hypotenuse of a half-square-triangle, which should measure 3". The side of the basket should be 2-1/8" - not convenient to divide by 3 (for the 3 squares). If you round up, you will have a hypotenuse of more than 3" - the points of the basket will get caught in the seam allowance. If you round "down" - then you will have a little bit of background fabric showing between the side seam and the basket - which is what I prefer...about 1/8 of an inch on each side.
So, if each square in the basket is 5/8" finished, you need to cut your squares to 1-1/8".
From the background, you need a 2-1/2" square on points for the background of the basket - that should be enough.
Then a rectangle of 2-1/4" x 3-1/2" ( background of the handle and flower)and a rectangle of 3-1/2" x 4-1/2" (background of the letter "B") ******CORRECTED!!!!
The basket handle should be made with 1/8" bias maker.
Hope that helps. Can't wait to do this one...