Sorry, Michelle, it's not free. It's a Microsoft product that you normally purchase either as part of a package or singly. I have never seen it here in the States come as part of the laptop. Someone from Growlybird created a free app for MAC users based on Microsoft's OneNote that approximates OneNote but does not have all the capabilities of OneNote. Can't remember how much I paid for mine because it was years ago. You can google it for prices, if interested, I think I purchased mine through Amazon...? Too long ago...
Rita, I had the opportunity to move my sewing room to the basement (large space, no windows, next to my husband's well-insulated for noise and dust-free--because I insisted on very efficient air cleaners and dust collector systems-- wood shop). I tend to get messy too when preparing a quilt and I would have had to share this open space in the basement with a wonderful set of huge Klipsch speakers (the cannons in the
1812 Overture sound like cannons and Pink Flloyd's
Money sounds like coins dropped in a slot machine), TV, video, music, my DH's office and other paraphanalia so there would not be as much sewing space as I would like in the end but more than I have. I opted for the teeny space upstairs because I can close the door when I want to, I have plenty of sunlight during the day, I don't have to clean up
in the middle of a project just because guests are coming and I love it! Of course, if you can have your sewing room open onto the kitchen with a pretty set of French doors that you can close when you want to, being next to the kitchen would not be such a bad idea... hard choices...

Let me know how GrowlyBird Notes works for you.