forestcats wrote:
Have you asked for the 'repair' woman's phone number? I would certainly entertain speaking with her and questioning her about the repairs and educating her on the damages done to an antique heirloom by her present methods. On some level I would hope that this woman would care about the art and is just ignorant of the reality. Allowing this woman to continue to represent quilters is harming everyone.
I absolutely agree with you Bridget! Apparently she is elderly (86?) and told Carol that she could "fix her grandmother's quilt by hand, just like her grandmother would have done it". She also said that the binding would be done by hand, and that the charge for the repairs "wouldn't be much". Big surprises all around. I don't know the quilter(?), and am trying to stay at arms length, because it looks like this may go to court. :shock:
Carol found out (after the fact) that this lady has been known to sue people over little things, and Carol is afraid that she will take her to court if she doesn't pay the full amount.
Because there was no written agreement, it might get ugly!
I have assured Carol that I can teach her to repair the quilt (at no charge) but that I don't want to be in the middle of the negotiations!
I know most of the quilters in this area, but her name didn't ring a bell with me, so I don't think that she's trying to regularly quilt for others.