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TOPIC: hospital update

04 Feb 2009 06:06 #31897

This is for anyone on expensive meds. I don't as a general rule promote generics, but, in many cases the generics are just as good. Several companies have gone to $4 month generics or $10 for 3 months on generics. Walmart and Target do this in my area. Also, in FL Publix has a list of FREE antibiotics. Other pharmacies are developing generic programs as well because of losing patients to those pharmacies. Most MD's have the list, but you can go to the store and get the list too, or the web site. Talk to your MD about substituting. I am saving between 3-400 per month using generics for the diabetes meds I take. Another 30 pounds off and maybe I can quit them all together!! WHOO HOO. There are also programs for people with limited income to get meds free from the pharmaceutical giants. You pretty much have to investigate that yourself though. MD offices just don't have time to help with that. They will fill out the forms and sign for medical necessity if that is the case. In this economy every little bit helps and I would rather spend that money on Alex's new fabric or more of Ricky's hand dyed than pay out full price for brand name drugs :) Have fun! Sandi in FL
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04 Feb 2009 01:11 #31887

  • cutup
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I know about med costs, my Dad was on antibiotics that cost $1200
for 10 pills, how out rages is that, and medicare and his supplemental insurance did not cover it, medicine will make you bankrupt hey maybe you can get a bailout, ask the Senate see what they say, ooops I forgot weeee are the ones that pay for everything....Jean
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03 Feb 2009 23:16 #31883

Thank You. I'm feeling much better now but still have little bouts with stomach cramps but not to bad. My Dh is a wonderful man a very gentle man in every way. My medications cost alot we have blue cross/blue shield but even with this insurance my medications cost $300.00 a month- they have no generics for the ones I take. Hope I don't have to take these meds for very long. Its Crazy how one medication can cost so much more then any others. Its High way Robbery!!! Take care my dear friend.
Love & Hugzzz,Kathy
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03 Feb 2009 13:22 #31860

  • KakeM
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Kathy-it took me a while but I just finished reading all the posts concerning your health since last year, gosh you have been through the ringer. I am glad you are feeling better now. You DH is really a dear guy isn't he....it helps so much to have a gem like that. Keep feeling better everyday. Karen

Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada
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04 Jan 2009 13:58 #30595

Katzz I have a head cold and my sinus are draining and the Ironing is the DH and my work clothes Happy
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04 Jan 2009 12:16 #30588

I'm feeling fine now the meds have helped alot,just alittle tired. I'm back to sewing and other activities just alittle slower I'm sure I will pick back up to speed soon!I was having trouble yesterday on paper piecing,Daughter Cinda is going to give me a refreshment coarse then maybe I can jump in on the 2009 bom. Right now I have no clue I don't remember how to do this paper piecing.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Love & Hugzzz,Kathy
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04 Jan 2009 11:08 #30584

Oh Kathy you don't think you will be healthy by the end of the year? :shock: BEEEEE REEEEAAAAAAL :roll: you know you are going to the BOM it just isn't goin to be started this month :lol: Love ya now GET WELL :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: Rachel
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03 Jan 2009 19:39 #30542

Sorry to hear you had these troubles in Pa. Do you have this under control now? What was your diagnoses and did you have all the hospital testing done and which test? Two weeks of ironing,geesh! I don't do much ironing except in my quilting!!! LOL. Take every think straight out of the dryer if it is wrinkled to Bad!LOL. My grandmother use to iron all her husbands boxers and used starch!!!Wrinkle free undies...lol.

LOL. You have a very sweet Momma bless her heart she must have relied on one for years. l've used a heating pad for Many years .My best friend Helen lived till she was 97 would walk over once a month to give me a hot totty-whiskey/lemon/honey,it didn't help any,then I was dizzy with pains!!!LOL. I ended up having endometreosis/surgery. Yelp then years goes by-good ole arthritis! I chill easily to. So we seem to cling on to the warmth,it's relaxing and seems to help what ills us. Thank you for the chuckle!

Ps. I had to bail out on the 2009 Bom,I need a refreshment coarse in paper piecing. I will be keeping up with everyone else doing this challenge,Enjoy.

Have agreat week end everyone,Hugzzz,Kathy
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03 Jan 2009 18:49 #30535

a warm heating pad

Here's a get-well chuckle for those of us ladies of a certain age-- for Christmas, Mama ordered monogrammed heating pad covers for all the girls in the family... daughters, DIL, my cousin's wife, SIL, (figuring that by the time you no longer have cramps you've got other aches & pains...) and of course, all the DGD's... and then realized she'd have to buy heating pads for the young ones!! (my youngest niece is almost 19-- I was GOOD friends with my heating pad by that age!) So we had a good laugh, telling them NOW they can tether themselves to the wall once a month instead of using those disposable heat wrap deals! Progress?? BUT this is monogrammed! LOL!!
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03 Jan 2009 12:13 #30506

Kathy I had that when I was in Pa. I hate being away from home and being sick had to take the midication the DR gave me that makes me a little off did not take it yesterday had 2 weeks of ironing to do to day we are taking down the tree and putting the living room back together Happy
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03 Jan 2009 11:09 #30500

I'm at home now,I was in the hospital for four days. I'm being a brave soul today,"LOL", I just copied off all of the Jan 2009 Bom. I'm thinking I'm gonna try this after all. I keep telling everyone else they can do it so I think I should give it a go to, No presure's right! TQS has helped me through out my quilting growth in so many ways so I think this will be agreat pattern to explore! Lord help me because I'm gonna need it, though the confidence is there :D
I'm feeling much better now,no pain Yeah,the meds are working well.

My sewing machine misses Me this I know !!!

'Your' quilt is Beautiful. I love the fabrics and the pattern is super nice. Hope you get over the nasty bug quickly,Lots of soups and a a warm heating pad,plus the darn meds,get plenty of rest.Take care of our sweet dear friend Patti. Have a nice week end.

God Bless, Love & Hugzzz, Kathy
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03 Jan 2009 10:38 #30497

Kathy, are you at home or still in the hospital? Glad to hear some progress is happening and no pain. Woohoo.

I'm on my second day that ding dangy bug that's gotten everyone. Fever, chills, aches and coughing and sinuses. Go away world!
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02 Jan 2009 20:00 #30445

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and Prayers.

Please let me know what your Dr. says. Today I have done really well no pains at all so I'm thinking the meds must be working well. I did feel tired from one med and I ate like a horse today,I found out one of the meds helps the appetite,I don't think I ate like this before, I know I'll gain afew pounds from this med. I got to drink milk today for the first time in years=milk bothered me I Love cold milk. had 3 glasses today. Dr. didn't put me on any special diet,hope I don't have to be on one,certain foods would aggravate symtoms badly but I'm hoping the meds will take care of this.I did have abit of gerd problem yesterday/today,Abit of foam.
Like you heat brought some comfort but not much. I can tell a difference in my throat passage now since they stretched it. Food goes down much easier,have much better air passage to. I still have to have a upper GI xray done. Then I will get a diagnoses.
I wish you the very best through out your treatment and diagnoses. Keep me updated on How you are doing.

All my best to you everyone. Hugzzz,Kathy
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02 Jan 2009 12:13 #30416

I don't come to the forum very often but with work so slow I had nothing else to do it seems. I was so glad to see this post as I've also been waiting for an update from your DH. (Tell him thank you for the post and the blog!!) I'm so sorry you are having to go through this!! Take are of yourself and keep us posted. HUGS!! Kelly in CO
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