Margarita, You said it has been a while since you used the forum. Barbara Black, who responded to you request, gave a good tip a while back that if you hit the
box Recent at the top of this page next to Index, you will get all recent posts. There have been some posts on face masks. I looked up the one Connie has on
her website, and that is the one I have seen most often on numerous websites and I have seen people wearing in public. If you want a more complex face mask
with a spot for a filter to be inserted, Kathy McNeill, famous quilter and retired critical care nurse, has one on her website. Just google her name and quilter and it
will come up. On her Home screen it says construction of face mask, click here, and it takes you to a step by step process. Hope this helps. Welcome back to the
forum there is lots of valuable info here. Take the time to become familiar with it. HelenW