I have multiple free-motion feet for my B-770 and use whichever is appropriate for what I'm quilting. My go-to foot is probably the open toe round metal foot. I can see well with it. If there is something on the quilt that might catch on the open toe foot, I use the closed toe metal foot. If I need a little more visibility around the needle, I use the oblong closed toe metal foot. If there is something on the quilt that is thick but I want to get right up next to it with the quilting (like some embroidery like twilling), then I use the echo foot which has a plastic cupped base that glides right up to things. And, of course, when doing ruler work I use the ruler foot. The only foot I generally don't use is the clear plastic foot that rides flat on the quilt like the metal feet just because, for me, the plastic seems to distort what's underneath it so I can't see as well where I am.