Hello Lois and all the interested people about the French Amish story, I hope this little page will give you an idea about the past of these People. First of all I talk about the Founder of the Amish movement, then Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines and at last the Amish story.
Jakob Amman1645-1730, is one of the main leaders of the religious anabaptist movement and founder of the Amish movement which settled down in Sainte-Marie-Aux-Mines in 1696, coming from switzerland where his followers were persecuted.
Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines is located in Alsace, region located in the east of France, very beautiful region with villages among wine yards with numerous half timbered houses in blossom. Alsace is on the north of the swiss border, so only about 300 miles away from the Bern Canton. The people are speaking french as well as a german dialect. Apparently this dialect is very similar to the one spoken by the Pensylvanian Amish. A French man from Alsace, working for United Nations in New York is saying : « when I feel home sick, I go to the Amish country in Pensylvania, I can hear and speak a dialect very close to my alsacian dialect ».
The Amish movement finds his roots in the anabaptist peaceful communities of the Bern Canton, located in the german speaking part of Switzerland, Bern being now, the capital of Switzerland. At that time this movement is not yet called Amish.
In the year 1528, the Edict of Spire (Germany) prohibited the anabaptism as the passed away children, without baptism, could not go to Heaven. Further to this Edict, the violence of the Berner authorities against the anabaptists became very hard, the anabaptists had 2 choices : either to be converted to reformed church (protestantism) or to emigrate. Most of the communities emigrated to Alsace. They have been welcomed by the authorities as the war of 30 years just ended and they needed new people to replace the people who died during the war.
The Amish Schism starts from the year 1693, the anabaptist minister of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines Jakob Amman provoked a debate, about religious practices, between all the anabaptist communities (Mennonite). the schism devided the anabaptism communities in 2 parts : 69 pastor ministers remained with the same religious practices (Mennonite) but 27 followed Jakob Amman who founded the Amish movement. All the Amish stayed in Alsace, very close to Jakob Amman. They always lived in the countryside in the land of the lords who found their interest to give them farms, because they always return to the owners more than what would have produced a none Amish farmer.
In the year 1712 Louis XIV the Sun King (builder of Château de Versailles) takes an Edict of expulsion for the anabaptists Amish of Alsace as Catholicism is a state religion and has to be the only one religion of France. The track of Jakob Amman gets lost, he died before the year 1730 in Zellwiller Alsace. (the exact date is uncertain).
There are many Mennonites and Amish who passed in territories not submitted to king of France. Numerous also emigrated towards the Netherlands where is an important and prosperous Mennonite community, then, from there for north America.