I don't own one but have borrowed one to see whether I would have wanted to purchase it. I also saw a really good demo by a Bernina educator who visited our area several months back. It takes a bit to become proficient with it, especially coming around the corners. It is important that your binding be starched before you use it. Myself, I did not see any great benefit to owning it because I would have used it on the occasional set of placemats, coasters but would have never used it on a quilt because I like the look of a hand-stitched binding. When I have wanted to machine stitch a binding, it was just as easy to do so without the binding tool and either stitch in the ditch or use a decorative stitch. The smallest Bernina binder is good for binding seams inside garments that don't have a lining, the medium one is probably good for placemats and the large one for quilts. At least, that's how I saw it.