I finally had someone here to help me sort all the bobbin tension issues (turns out, was a problem with too thick a thread in the bobbin) on my 1020 and today took it for a test-run, and was going beautifully for about half an hour. I got several test lines done as I practiced following my quarter-inch foot, and then did 10 seams, each 12" long. Beautiful, fine, no problem whatsoever.
On the 11th seam, the top thread breaks right at the needle. Same fabrics, same thread, haven't changed anything from the first ten. Haven't messed with tension, nothing.
I pull out the fabric (through the back, etc.) and look, and some top thread is caught wound around the bobbin case. So I take the case out (but not the bobbin from the case), remove that thread, pop that back in, good. Rethread the needle (I have even at this point cut the thread at the spool and rethreaded with fresh thread all the way from the beginning, not just from the break).
It's still breaking. The minute the needle hits the fabric, just about.
The only thing I know how to fix is tension, but tension was fine for the first half hour and all was going beautifully. Would it have changed???
What else could be wrong??? It is a brand new needle, this is the first sewing I've done with it. I really don't know what else to check. Help, please?