kmouse wrote:
I belive the SUK letters stand for a ball point or stretch needle. This has been interesting because Diane Gaudynski posted something about it of a particular issue with skipped stitches with a certain batting/fabric combination. Can't remember now what that was. My memory (?) seems to recall that the round needle made a hole big enough for the thread to go through and make a proper stitch. Maybe that is what is happening here.
Certainly justifies a large needle stash!
Congrats on your new 830!
Kim, I got curious and googled "Diane Gaudynski skipped stitches metallic thread," and up came a blog post at that said an SUK (ballpoint) needle helps prevent skipped stitches with metallic threads. She says the ballpoint makes a larger hole than a sharp needle, which reduces the friction on the thread as it goes through the hole. Makes sense to me!