I know Australia, Europe and UK have it but then we were all last with the 8 series.
It's doing a cracking job so far! Mind you it doesn't help when the first time I switch it on it makes the most alarming noise. Took me a moment or so to realise I knocked the bobbin winder forward and it was whirring away empty.
There's no big fanfare when it switches on, it just is ready to sew. I don't miss the fanfare. Even OH yells 'Morning Bob', when he hears it.
I thought I'd miss the auto cutter but then realsied I don't really use the one on Bob much anyway.
The needle threader works just about first time every time! A huge improvement on Bob!!
I do miss the pedal back to change the needle position.
It seems a very neat and dainty sewer but then it's the 5.5mm throat plate and width and after Bob's 9mm that's hardly surprising.
Cjbeg, it can be used totally foot free and has stop start and speed on the head.
Alex, her crib looks like a bomb's hit it but it's very sewish and quilterly!!