I picked her up yesterday! I've been playing around all day. Not just with the machine, but re-arranging the sewing room, finding just the right spot for the accessories etc.!
It's been a VERY long 4 months! But I think the wait is definitely going to be worth it. Everything I have tried so far is just incredible...the bobbin winding, threading, size, it's all just amazing. And most important, the stitch quality is just beautiful. I even did a little BSR free motion and I couldn't make it beep! (you know the "hey your moving too fast dummy!" beep
She makes poor little sister "White Pearl" look like a toy! I have no idea what I'm going to call her...for now the welcome screen says "Darlene's Baby", but that hardly seems appropriate...unfortunately all that comes to mind is SHAMU! And that's not a very nice name for such a beauty.
I'll be out of cloud nine eventually...
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Best Wishes,