I've run into a problem, and I hope one of you ladies knows of a fix.
I've been cutting pieces for a project, and it's a lot of repetitive cutting using a template and cutting each piece one at a time for better accuracy. This means, though, I've been cutting over and over and over and over again on my mat, the same basic cut, in the same basic area, for....a lot of pieces. (note to self: move around the mat next time).
This has, unfortunately, left grooves deep enough that my rotary cutter was skipping, actually getting caught/stuck in the grooves/cuts by the time I noticed it (at first I thought it was a dull blade). You can actually see the indention on the reverse side, which doesn't leave me a lot of hope, honestly.
But...I thought, if anyone would know, you guys would. Are there any tricks to help "heal" a "self-healing" mat?? I've switched mats for now, and will henceforth move around the mat even when cutting specific shapes in mass repetition, but is this particular mat ruined or is there hope for it?
Thanks for any tips!