Hello Lounge Lizards!
I've missed chatting with you all. I've been around but busy with finishing gifts/quilts for Christmas and all. Currently I am working on the IMQE quilt. It's in the final stages of quilting so I should be done soon.
Last October I started a quilt for my daughter and son in law with help from their son. Parker is 4 and I taught him to use the sewing machine and to move blocks around to decide on a design. We made "Jumpin' Jack Flash". It is now on their couch being used! Yay!
I had a lot of fabric left over from JJF so I made this. "Happy Days". It is in my shop looking for its special friend.
I made 3 aprons for grandchildren and 4 jewelry wallets for the 4 daughters/daughter in laws. Also, check out this bread basket I made for my son and daughter in law. I think it came out pretty good! It matches their dining room colors.
Our local guild is currently showing art quilts at a local art studio for the month of January. I've got several hanging there. It's amazing to look around the room and see all the colors, shapes and variations of fabric art.
I was thinking about some lounge lizards we don't hear from lately. Does anyone know how Ritzy and Rita are? I hope you are not freezing too much in the eastern US, or anywhere! We are fine here. Cold but the snow is melting. I am sending you all a warm hug.