My sewing room is carpeted. I now have a new, very expensive sewing machine. I recently bought a desk mat for my rolling chair, since I've noticed it is roughing up my carpet. Now, when I first sit into the chair, and then roll up to my machine, the first touch to the machine will release this electrostatic charge. NOT GOOD! I always touch the machine first on a non-electronic metal part, NOT the screen, so as not to blow a major part of the machine. I know this is not good, and I even keep a humidifier running on low in the room. Never had the problem just rolling my chair across the carpet. That dang mat is the problem.
Anyway, was just wondering if any of you have ever had this problem, and how you fixed it. I'm sure there must be a simple way to ground the mat or me. Fortunately, I do keep my sewing machine plugged into a very high end surge protected, which is probably helping the machine, but I'm tired of getting "bit!"