Popping in to say, first of all, WOW!! Ladies, I am continually amazed & surprised by all that you get done. Beautiful stuff, every one of you!!
Also wanted to show what I've been working on, now that I have good progress and a photo
A friend has/is adopting a baby girl, and once I heard her name (Jubilee) I was struck with the feeling I had to make a quilt for her, a celebration quilt of sorts. Much thought & conversation with the mom and symbolism of the situation went into it, and so she's getting a very celebration-y Lone Star (her family is from Texas, but now living in another state) and the background will actually be made to look like woven ribbons in blue & white, the birthstone colors of the birth mom and the adoptive mom. That part is yet to come, but I finally finished all 8 star points yesterday, today will join them into 2 star "halves" and then will work on piecing the background pieces.
First time making a Lone Star, but I'm pleased so far! I did a LOT more pinning and pressing than I usually do....it paid off, and maybe I'll be a convert to doing things in a more precise fashion....
This is all 8 points, laid out on my floor for the photo, none are joined to each other yet though.
As for why I've not been around much...school has started, and with it, lots of time in the car, driving kids here & there. We still home school, but are using some outside classes, so M-Th I am driving someone, somewhere, part of the day. I'm left with W-F mornings for some quilting time between driving times, and afternoons are for the home school things, and so far less computer time or sewing time these days. But, my oldest son's last year before college, so not complaining at all about spending time with him instead of my machine. (also planning, but not anywhere near starting yet, his quilt for graduation....).
I will try and pop in more often, though, so I don't miss so much! You guys move too fast!