Keeping so far to my NYR 2015. Had our annual quilt show this weekend. Only bought an add-a-quarter ruler and a bit of an unexpected purchase (read:Impulsive): A good deal on an old Singer Featherweight.
Well, It doesn't count as fabric, does it? I bought it from the machine repair guy who said he's had it for 20+ years and just decided to sell it. Complete with attachments and case. Now I just need to learn how to use. it. I'm hoping I can travel with it to my granddaughters' houses and begin to introduce them to sewing. Besides other stuff
Re: Impulsive. I resisted all the way to the parking lot and mulled it over for a while then, the car got turned off and I went back upstairs and it was still there! Obviously a sign that it was meant for me. Right?
Does anybody else have one? Please tell me you're happy with it and that you use it all the time. Please.