Your quilting stitch is like a signature. It is unique to you. The more you hand-quilt the more even your stitches will be. As a self-taught hand quilter, I have found that the thread count of the fabric usually determines how many times I loop the thread to form the quilters' knot. I use YLI hand quilting thread and leave plenty of room at the end of a line of stitches to form a knot. Run the thread between the layers, and with your fingernail on the other hand hold onto the knot as you pop it between layers. If for some reason you find a knot on top of the top, you can use a big tapestry needle size 16 to carefully push it between the layers again. I sometimes take a backstitch on a very long line of quilting. Lots of quilting designs and inspiration can be found in old quilts, in books and museums. And, I often quilt from the back
if it's easier to see the marks, find you own way. The best marking pencils are Prismacolor VERITHIN white and gold. They wash out. Your talent is like water in a well always there; sometimes close to the surface; sometimes you have to dig a little deeper. You are doing great!