Transfer-type fabric is not nearly as good as the new stuff.
1. Use the Bubble Jet Set method: Soak your fabric in this product and let it dry. Iron your fabric to freezer paper, cut it into 8 1/2 x 11 sheets and print directly onto your fabric. Remove the paper, swish as directed in Bubble Jet RINSE & water and VOILA! If you are doing a LOT, this is what I would recommend because it is the cheapest method. And the ink stays well.
If you have a HP bubble or inkjet printer, use HP Bubble Jet Set, also made by the same company as the other, but specially formulated for HP printer inks.
2. Buy one of the newer products on the market, which are essentially pre-soaked sheets already backed with freezer paper. This is way faster and more gratifying (open the package and PRINT!), but it is WAY more expensive. Good brands are Printed Treasures and another brand carried by Joann's. (I can't remember.) These work the same way as the others. My results with Printed Treasures has been good.
You will find that the results with either of these methods or types of products is WAY better than it is with the transfer products available years ago. And these will wash and wear much better, too.